Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

On New Year's Day, we slept in pretty late, then ordered sandwiches for lunch and watched "Brother's Solomon." Jeff and I headed back to my parents' house. We were still in a laying-on-the-couch, watching-TV sort of mood, so we spent the afternoon watching a bunch of episodes of Community (thanks, Annette!).

Scene It? Deluxe Star Trek EditionTrivial Pursuit TeamIn the evening, my brother and his wife came over for a game night. My mom made mulled wine and we got together a bunch of snacks, and then we all played games! We tried team trivial pursuit, which was pretty fun - it's fairly similar to regular trivial pursuit, except more rules and no little pie pieces. But still six categories and lots of trivia questions. After that we played Star Trek Scene-It, which I've been wanting to play for a long time (somehow nobody is ever interested in that game...). It was really fun! I think the best is to put the game on "Party Play," so that it automatically plays video clips with questions one after another. We had a really good game night!

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