Thursday, January 10, 2008

California Part 3.2 - Napa and Sonoma

The second day in San Jose was a Monday, and Kurt and Jug both had to go to work. Jeff and I decided to take a day trip to wine country, which is only a couple hours away. We took a wrong turn on the way there and ended up driving through San Francisco, which was actually pretty great because we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge.We had a really great time going to wineries - the tastings were really fancy and fun. Our favorite was the first one we went to - "J", where we tried the most things and where all the wine was paired with tiny appetizers.We went to Saint Clement Vineyards second, and it was in a cute house on a hill. There we did a tasting that was made up almost entirely of wine we couldn't afford a bottle of - about $80 a bottle. It was pretty good.
Our last stop was at Peju, which was pretty interesting. The person pouring the tasting did a rap giving all the information about the vineyard... and he was a 60 year old white man. The wine was ok, though, and we had a good time. We'll have to work on our wine knowledge if we go again, since mostly we're only able to say, "that one's pretty good", and "oh, this one is also pretty good", but as long as we had a good time, that's probably what matters.The whole day was really great, and the scenary while driving around was one of the best things about the whole trip.

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