Friday, January 11, 2008

California Part 3.3 - San Jose Again

Jeff and I had big plans for our last day in California - we were going to go to San Fransisco and see all the sights. But then we ended up staying up late the night before enjoying our wine from the vineyards and playing Wii (which I am now addicted to - I rock at boxing).

Anyway, we slept in a bit on Tuesday and then got in touch with Janet, who happened to be in town visiting her family. So we decided tea with Janet would be better than San Fransisco, and headed to her house.

We stopped for In and Out Burger on the way just to get in a bit of California tourism. It's really tasty - did you know they make their fries fresh every day from real potatoes? Imagine that.

Tea at Janet's was very nice - we chatted and did a bit of computer work - just like the old days. :)
After tea we ended up getting together Kurt, Jeff's brother (Dave), Jug, Jug's girlfriend - Christina, Janet, Janet's boyfriend - Dan, and of course Jeff and I, and going out to dinner. We went to a really fun restaurant that was basically Indian tapas - the food was great. Since we were tired out from the rest of our trip and needed to get up at 5am to catch our flight, we didn't do much else that night. Overall, we had a great California trip and a really great holiday vacation.

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