Thursday, January 10, 2008

California Part 3.1 - San Jose

During the third and final leg of our California adventure, Jeff and I flew to San Jose and stayed with our friends John and Kurt. We got there mid-day and hung out with Kurt at his cool condo. We went out to Pizza My Heart for dinner and has a garlic-mushroom-sausage-pepperoni pizza. It was the most garlic I have ever eaten in my life - it just had whole cloves of garlic (the size of large marbles) all over it, and it was soooo good.

We were thinking about seeing Juno after pizza, but then decided to instead go back to Kurt's place and watch "Sideways" which is about two guys that spend a weekend visiting wineries in California. The movie was pretty good - it had gotten a lot of build up, so I don't think I was as impressed with it when I finally saw it, but I enjoyed it, and the characters, even if you don't like them, were interesting.

John came home around 11pm from his holiday trip to the east coast and then hung out and had a glass of wine with us. We watched the (2 hour!) premier of American Gladiator, which was pretty funny, and then finally went to bed at 2am.

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