Thursday, January 10, 2008

California Part 2 - Big Bear

After leaving Camarillo, we drove to Big Bear Lake, CA. It's in the mountains near L.A., and Jeff's mom's family has a cabin there. It was actually built by her grandfather. Here's what it looks like:It's a beautiful drive through the mountains to get there, and the cabin is just across the street from the lake.Jeff's aunts and uncle were at the cabin also, and we spent a few days hanging out having family meals, doing puzzles, and reading books. I was in charge of keeping the fire place going, which I think I did a pretty good job at. There was no TV and no internet, so at one point we took an coffee shop trip to check email, but other than that we just relaxed at the house.

I spent a lot of time reading Dracula, which is one of the things that Jeff got me for Christmas. I like to read classic books, but it's usually hit or miss - either its completely readable and interesting - like Tale of Two Cities, Pride and Prejudice, or Jane Eyre, or it's really hard to get through and historically interesting, but not fun. Luckily, Dracula is the former - it's written as a series of letters and diary entries by various characters, and there are really good footnotes explaining historically relevant things. I'm about half done now.

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