Sunday, January 6, 2008

California Part 1 - Camarillo

Jeff and I are in California for a little over a week visiting family and friends. The first few days we spent visiting his dad's cousin and her husband in Camarillo, CA. They were really funny people - and very interesting to talk to. Jeff's dad's cousin has worked in the diamond business and been all over the world. Her husband used to be the president of Mankato State University in Minnesota (where my brother went to college!) and now is president of California State University Channel Islands. Being a university president seemed like a pretty cool job - you get to think about the big picture of what you want the university to be like and then make decisions to have that happen. We took a tour of the new library that is being built right now and of the rest of campus - it was really beautiful.

The second day in Camarillo we visited the Reagan National Library. It is actually more like a museum than a library, and has lots of exhibits about Ronald Reagan's life and presidency. They also have a previous air force one plane on display so you can go through it. The museum was interesting - especially since we had a private tour, so everything was explained for us. We also got to see the private quarters - Mrs. Reagan's office, and things like that. They had a full-scale model of the oval office as it looked when Reagan was there, and that was pretty cool also.

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