Saturday, October 27, 2007

Katie's Keyboard Is Missing a Letter...

I'm spending this weekend in New York to celebrate Katie's 21st Birthday. Jeff and I didn't act*ally get in *ntil abo*t 8pm. We stopped on the way to pick *p Katie's gift from my family, which was a new digital camera. We got her a red Nikon Coolpix S200, which seems really good. On Friday night the first thing we did after getting here was go shopping. (Imagine that...) Katie and I got dresses at Forever 21.

That night we went to a cl*b called "Pl*mm". It was a really nice place - even Jeff had really liked it!

Here's some pics:
Happy 21st Birthday, Katie!!!

We ended the night by staying with o*r friend, Ray in Hoboken, NJ. It's a short path train over, and since he doesn't seem to go to bed *ntil after 5am, it worked out will with lots of time to hang o*t. He's got his apartment set *p so that everything can be r*n from his computer, and has an 8 foot screen with a projector in his living room. We watched one of the episodes abo*t Earth from the discovery channel - I can't remember what's it's act*ally called now, but that on an 8 ft screen in HD was f*n. Nice way to end the night.

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