Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bits and Peices...

I don't have a substantial amount of news to go into this blog, but just an assorted group of items. Things are going well with work and school. I got back my first two papers - I got A's on both!

Wednesday was really fun - I stayed home and did work most of the day, and then Jeff and I went to Baltimore. We went to a cool tea shop called Teavolve, and then met up with his mom at a restaurant that happened to be across the street - La Cazuela. It's an Ecuadorian restaurant, and it was really good! (More about both those things available on my website -

Today, I found out that one of the professors I work for wrote an OpEd in the Wall Street Journal, and then was interviewed on the Wall Street Journal Law Blog. He teaches a class on Space Law that I'm going to be taking next year.

Tomorrow Jeff and I are off to New York to hang out with Katie and celebrate her 21st birthday!

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