Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Das Auto ist Kaput and Yay, Sox!

Well, the road trip to New York went well, with one unfortunate hitch towards the end. When we were on our way back, the car started making a loud engine noise. According to my dad, that's bad news. Luckily, Jeff and I were only a couple miles from his house in Baltimore when it happened, so we were able to get it towed to a car shop nearby that he knows, and his mom picked us up. Since it's a 3 hour round-trip drive to bring us back to DC, we stayed the night at his parents house and his mom dropped us off at the train station in Baltimore the next day on her way to work.

So, during our New York trip, our sleeping hours were about 5/6am to noon. Then, on Sunday night, I felt that I needed to watch the Sox - it was game four and they were up three games!!! Of course, it was worth it - hence the "Yay, Sox" in the title. So I didn't get to bed til after midnight... which would have been ok if we were still on the 5am-noon schedule. Unfortunately, Jeff's mom doesn't leave for work at noon, she leaves at 6:30am. And Jeff, who thinks the Red Sox are becoming the Yankees and went to bed at 10pm, was up and atom at 5:30am. So we took the MARC train to DC, got in around 8am, and I took a cab home. So, all that combined with my head cold made Monday into a strictly TV-Watching day. After a full dose of Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise, I think I'm better and ready for my Working Tuesday.

As for the car, it's currently in the shop - lost a spark plug, which I guess is bad, but not enough to total the car. Hopefully we'll have it back soon. Especially since the plan is to leave for Boston on Thursday night!

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