Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Mongol Rally

Ok, one thing they do in England is pick a completely random task and then do it for charity. The two things have no real relation except for saying that they do. For example, you try to get as far away from London as you can for free.... for charity. (You get people to pledge money to you because you're going to try to get as far away as you can, see?) People have actually gotten as far as Japan. Or, maybe you hitchhike to Morocco... for charity. Really, that's a yearly event. (You have to go around asking people "I'm going to hitchhike to Morocco... will you please give me money for charity?)

So, now I come to the point of the title. Driving a 1.0 liter car from London to Mongolia... for charity. They give you no route, practically ensure that you'll be asked for bribes, followed, lost, etc., and by making the 1.0 liter engine rule, basically to ensure that you're car will break down, probably more than once. It's 10,000 miles and takes about 3 weeks. You have to go through Russia or Afganistan or Turkmenistan or Iran, etc. So, some friends of mine have decided to enter and are looking for more teammates. Is it crazy that I would love to do this? Think of all the adventure they're going to have! Check out the website and let me know what you think:


  1. Want to do a rally that's 100% charitable? Then go have a look at For about a third of what you'd pay to the corporation that's running the Mongol Rally, you can enter the Mongolian Charity Rally and you can sleep better at night knowing you didn't pay more than you had to and your hard-earned money isn't going to line the pockets of someone running a for-profit corporation.

  2. Oh, I forgot to mention that the 952.72 that you'd pay to them does not include any kind of visa service for North Americans. Save your money for those all-important visas.
