Sunday, December 12, 2010

Space Christmas: Space Foundation

On Thursday night the DC-branch of the company I work for, the Space Foundation, had its office holiday party. There are four of us in the office, and we all went out together for drinks and dinner at the City Club. The bar has a cool James Bond feel, with the wood paneling and cozy atmosphere.

We had a private room for our dinner, which was really nice - it made it easy to all chat together. At dinner it was Brendan and Ann, Ryan and Kay, Tommy, Jeff and me. All of the food was very good. I had tuna sashimi as an appetizer, followed by the City Club trio - shrimp, crab cake, and steak. The crab cake was incredible!

Brendan gave all of us Christmas gifts. He gave me a copy of Dune, which he and I talked about one morning- he couldn't believe I hadn't read it, since it's such a scifi classic. I'm actually really excited to read it over the holidays. Between school and work, it's actually been quite a while since I read a book for fun... (Ryan and Tommy each got a copy of Moonraker.)

After dinner, Brendan and Ann headed home, and the rest of us went for one last drink at Rocket Bar in Gallery Place. The whole night was really fun, and it was great to just sit around and chat with everybody in the office, and with their significant others!

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