Monday, December 13, 2010

Baltimore Weekend

Jeff and I took the commuter rail to Baltimore to spend the weekend at his parent's house. His parent's picked us up at the train station, and we went for dinner at Akbar, an Indian restaurant in downtown Baltimore. I tried salmon tikki masala, which was pretty good, though I think I still prefer chicken as the main ingredient. The samosas and garlic naan I had were great, though.

After that, Jeff's parents went to a play, and Jeff and I drove one of the cars they'd brought into the city back to Jeff's house. It was only about 8:30pm when we got in, but it's been such a long week that we decided to go to bed right away, and were probably asleep by 9pm.

The rest of the weekend I've been glued to my computer, writing the final draft of my two final research papers (one on arms control and one on global governance) and one take-home exam (for international economics). Now everything is finally finished, though I'll review everything once more before turning it in.

I'm definitely excited to be finished with school work for the semester, so I can start focusing on fun holiday stuff!

Oh, and another nice thing about doing work at Jeff's house is that we got to sit in the living room and enjoy the Christmas tree and the fire!

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