Monday, December 20, 2010

Seeing Synergy Live

Jeff and I booked our wedding band based on the recommendations of my parents and my brother and his wife. My parent's saw a few different options we were considering, and Brian and Emily saw one of them. All four really liked Synergy, and they have a great reputation in general, so we booked them.

On Saturday night, Jeff and I went to see them perform. They were playing at a wedding near Minneapolis, so the four of us (Jeff, me, Mom, Dad) went out to the venue and stood in the back to listen (that's what the band had suggested we do). The bride actually did come over to us at one point, and asked, "Are you here to see the band?" We said yes, and she told us that they had done that a few times. "You should book them!" she said.

It was fun to see them live - it's a ten-piece band and they definitely bring a lot of energy to the event. They're fun to just watch, and they had almost everybody dancing. We were only their for about 30 minutes, but they seem to have a really good range of styles. Jeff and I are really excited to have them at our wedding!

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