Monday, December 20, 2010

Meeting with Photographer

Normally, people would meet with their photographer in person before they book them, but for Jeff and I that wasn't really an option. But we did want to meet Noah in person at some point before the wedding, so we set up an appointment to get together while Jeff and I are in Minnesota for the holidays.

The plan was to go to Noah's at 2pm on Saturday. We didn't have any particular topics that we needed to talk about, so Jeff and I weren't sure how long it would take. We figured it might just be a 15 minute meet and greet.

So it was Jeff and I and my mom and dad - Noah made us all tea, and sat around the kitchen table. We flipped through a few books of his work, but we mostly just chatted about Jeff and myself - what we're doing, what's important to us, etc. We chatted about things in general and about the wedding. Noah also told us about his philosophy and style - he's pretty laid back, but also very organized and responsible, which is perfect for us. He's going to be there all day - however that is defined in our plans - there is no specific hour limit, which is another thing I love (even if things run a little late, there is no need to stress about whether you want to incur extra photography fees or just not have pictures of some part of the event).

The last thing we did was walk through the scheduling of the wedding day to get Noah's suggestions and thoughts on timing. It was a really helpful exercise, because we haven't done that before. Now we really have a pretty good idea of how the whole schedule of the day will work out.

Eventually, we headed back to the car, I knew it had been more than 15 minutes, but I couldn't believe it when I saw that we'd been at Noah's house for more than two and a half hours! It's really nice to know that we have a photographer who is willing to put in time like that just to get to know us!

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