Sunday, July 18, 2010

Minneapolis Photo Safari

After work on Tuesday, Jeff and I went to dinner in St. Anthony Falls with my parents and Brian and Emily. We ate at Tugg's Tavern, which has a patio overlooking the Mississippi River and the Minneapolis skyline. They have daily specials, and the Tuesday special was a Tuggburger - it's a half-pound fresh lean ground beef stuffed with sauteed jalapenos, sweet onion and cream cheese. So good! We also had cheese curds for an appetizer - it was like being at the State Fair!

After dinner, Emily and I headed to the 3rd Street Bridge to meet up with our Minneapolis Nights Photo Safari tour. (Emily and I found out about the tour because there was a special on Living Social.) She and I both recently purchased digital SLR cameras, and it was great to get the opportunity to practice using them.

We walked along the St. Anthony Falls path along the river and saw lots of really cool city-scapes. They helped us practice different settings, and offered suggestions on taking low-light and night photos. Now I really need to go out and buy a tripod of my own.

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