Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dairy Queen and other summer fun...

After the photo tour, Jeff and I stayed at Brian and Emily's house and did work there in the morning. In the evening, we took Bri & Em to the airport (they're headed to NYC to visit Katie and Tom). Emily, Jeff, and I made a pit-stop at Dairy Queen on the way - a mandatory summer activity I can now check off my list.

After dropping off Brian and Emily at the airport, Jeff and I brought their pug, Hazel, to my Grandma John's house. It was nice to sit and chat with my grandma for a while. We were talking about my parent's house-hunting and she told us that when they had bought the house she lives in now, it cost $13,500, and the monthly payment was about $120. Pretty crazy.

In the evening, we hung out with my mom at our house. Jeff and I ordered Chinese from a place near my house that my parent's have never tried - Bambu. The food was really good, and Jeff was somehow able to get a massive soup to-go - when he poured it into a bowl at home, he had to use a big plastic mixing bowl. They also had good cream-cheese wantons, and that's really my main criteria. Then we spent the evening watching the last few episodes of this season of Doctor Who with my mom.

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