Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Movie time in DC

On Tuesday we woke up, hung out around my house, packed, and got lunch at Lee-Ann Chin's. Then it was off to the airport and back to DC. We got into DC pretty late - around 10:30pm, but Jaisha came over and hung out for a while. Then it was movie time. We watched:

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
I've been meaning to watch this movie for a long time. I heard it wasn't as good as the first movie, which I guess might be true, but I still loved it. These were some of my favorite books when I was younger, so it was fun to see it all in a movie. I hope they're making another one!

This movie was soooo cute. I thought it might be boring, since there's almost no dialogue, but it really isn't. It was a really fun movie, and I'd recommend it.

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