Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Goodbye, Pol!

After three weeks in the USA, Pol left today. There was just time for packing and getting ready to go, and then it was off to the airport. It was a really fun visit, and I think he had a good time. Now he's headed back to Barcelona - but he's definitely got some Minnesota blood - he didn't even zip up his jacket in the "warm" DC weather - almost 40 degrees - since he's now used to the 20 degree weather in Minnesota. It's 50 degrees in Barcelona at the moment, which is pretty cold for that city - he said he'd go to the beach.

After the airport, it was off to my last day of class for the semester. Then it was back home to hang out with Jeff for the first time in a while, since he wasn't in Minnesota. Jeff, knowing I'd probably be sad after leaving Minnesota and then saying goodbye to a friend, surprised me with flowers, some of my favorite foods for dinner, and a bunch of Christmas music (I love Christmas music). It was really sweet. :)

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