Friday, February 1, 2008

I have three laptops

It was my second day at NASA today, and when I got there my new computer was all set up. I now officially have three laptops - my personal laptop, a laptop for my work with Raytheon, and a laptop for my work with NASA. Pretty crazy...

Working at NASA was fun today. I worked there four years ago, in the summer of 2004, and back then I was soooo excited about space, and had just finished a year of intense aerospace classes at MIT. I was sure I wanted to work somewhere in the space industry. The following year, 2005, was the one I spent in Cambridge, England. While I was there, I learned more about international development and sustainable engineering, and was extremely excited about it. In the summer of 2005 I lived in India. In my senior year, in addition to taking aerospace classes I really enjoyed, I took international development classes. Suddenly I wasn't sure if I wanted to work at NASA or Boeing or if I wanted to go to Bangladesh or Zimbabwe.

Anyway, being back at NASA, I was thinking about all of this. But walking around that building seeing all the space pictures, overhearing nerdy space talk, and seeing NASA TV on all the LCD screens made me remember how fun space is. Pretty much everyone at NASA is really excited about space, exploring, learning, planning for the future. NASA is full of people who love their jobs. And I love that. So, I'm really happy to be back at NASA.

(Reading this through, I thought I'd mention that I'm still super excited about development, and though international development and engineering in rural villages doesn't seem to have an obvious connection to NASA and space exploration, I'm going to find a way to still be involved in both. Infact, at the moment, in addition to work with NASA, I'm still involved in the engINdia program that I helped start in 2005. Check out the engINdia website!)

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