Thursday, January 31, 2008

Google Reader and ING

Ok, ok, last blog entry for the evening...

I keep meaning to add useful tips to my blog, so here are two that have come up recently (and thanks to Jeff who introduced me to both of these... and set them up on my computer for me):

Google Reader allows you to put rss feeds from all your favorite websites (like this blog!) on one page. The idea is that rather than trying to remember to check each of your favorite news sites, daily cartoons, and friends' blogs, you can put a feed from each of them on google reader and quickly see which of them have new entries since you last checked. For news sites, it's an easy way to scan the titles of new stories. Also, if you're friends have google reader (like Jeff and I), you can see items that they share. If you come across something interesting, you can share it just by clicking a button. I'm not sure I'm doing a great job explaining, but check out the website to learn more.

ING Direct
- ING is an online bank - it doesn't have any buildings you can go to and talk to real people, but it is FDIC approved and the money they save on buildings and people allow them to offer a really great interest rate. So, if you have savings, open an ING account and transfer it over to start making money quicker. (Also, I think they have a bonus if you're referred, so let me know if you're thinking of opening an account!)

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