Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exams and Movies

Well, as of Monday, I have officially gotten at least some grades in all of my classes, and overall it looks like I'm doing really well. That's great, because it's difficult going into a new field. Especially going from engineering where you do problem sets and basically know before hand that you either got the right answer or you didn't, to policy where everything is essays and research papers, and there is no "right" answer (though there are still good and bad grades).

So Monday night after getting our midterms, a bunch of us from class went to "Mezza Luna", which is a restaurant/bar at 19th and L. It was a fun restaurant, and had a really good bread and dip, though I can't figure out what's in the dip, exactly.

Last night, Jeff and I went to a free screening of the movie "Juno". It's about a comedy about a teenage girl that gets pregnant (and it's set in Minnesota). Seems odd, but it was actually pretty funny (if you don't think too seriously about the moral issues involved...). Check out the trailor at: - under videos. One of the very cool things about the screening was that the screenplay writer, Diablo Cody, and the main actress, Ellen Page, were there and did a Q&A afterwards.

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