Sunday, November 11, 2007

Birthday Weekend

Well, I'm 24 years old now, as of Thursday. It's been a fun birthday weekend! On my actual birthday, I finished up the last paper that was due that week, went to work for a bit, and then class. It got more fun after that... After class a group of us went to see my friend Brian's play - "Lend Me a Tenor" - which was really fun. Then we went out for drinks.

On Friday, Jeff and I did a lot of lounging around, and then went for food at Thai Tanic - a restaurant just around the corner from us. It's got good food, but crazy interior decorating - the tables are all silver and sparkly and bright, and it sort of looks like a 50's diner mixed with a disco-style club. Then we went and saw "The Darjeeling Limited", which was really fun.

Saturday, in addition to some work and relaxing at home, we went for dinner at Indique - some friends from my program - Stephanie, Steph and Eric - had given me a home-made gift certificate to the restaurant. The food there was really great. We had Lamb Rogan Josh and Vegetable Biriyani, probably the best lamb I've ever had, and also the first time I've had biriyani in the U.S. After dinner we went to visit Tim and Rachel in Greenbelt, and had a movie night - we watched "Hot Fuzz" which is by the same people as "Sean of the Dead" and is just about as ridiculous and funny.

Today's been another relax-at-home day - we've been out of town the last few weekends, so I think we're taking it easy. Football and mac-n-cheese. I signed up for Grand Central, which is a service in its beta version from Google. It's pretty cool - it give you a local phone number for anywhere in the continental U.S. you want (except Maine for some reason) and then has all sorts of features. It screens your calls, and you can have individualized messages for different people or groups of people. It lets you listen to your voicemails online, and will email you when you have voicemails if you want. It also lets you record calls - so if you need a phone number or directions but have no pen, you just press four to have it record.

Ok, later on I'm going to a space-girls'-night-dinner in Dupont Circle with some other girls in my program... and that's about it for the weekend!

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