Tuesday, October 2, 2007


As a Radiohead fan, how can I not add to the multitude of blogs dealing with this topic. If you haven't already heard, Radiohead has anounced that their next album will be available for download only via their website (not through a record label), and that the cost will be... whatever you want to pay. That's right - you can choose to pay $0 or $100 (or anything else) and download all 15 songs on the new Album, "In Rainbows".

A lot is being written about whether or not this is a good business model - will they make money or will it turn out to be a big mistake? In my opinion, they probably don't care that much. Radiohead has a history of not focusing on the money-making, publicity getting stunts, and focusing more on making music that they want to, rather than music that will be popular.

I'm not sure how much I'll pay for the new album, and I'm not sure how the business model will work out for Radiohead. My guess is that they'll be happy with the results, and maybe it will help spur the music industry to try something different.


And some thoughts from people other than me:



(and thanks to Scott and Chloe who both thought of me when they heard about this!)

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