Sunday, September 30, 2007

In the Shadow of the Moon

Jeff and I just went to see the movie "In the Shadow of the Moon" (with a bunch of friends from my Space Policy program). The movie was great! It is the story of the Apollo program as told by the astronauts who were a part of it. The Apollo program was the series of Space Missions that put men on the moon. It was Apollo 11 in which Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon (and Mike Collins went to the moon, but stayed in the command module.) Interviews with the astronauts are spliced with video of the launches, news reports, and other things going on at the time. It really gives you a sense of how amazing the program was, and helps you imagine what it must have felt like to go to the moon. Twenty-four men have gone to the moon; twelve of those men have walked on the surface of the moon. This movie includes comments from interviews with every living man who has been to the moon. It is a very engaging movie, and presented in a really exciting way. I highly recommend it - check out the trailer!

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