Sunday, July 3, 2011

Honeymoon Day 11 – June 11 – Copenhagen, Denmark to Hamburg, Germany

We arrived in Copenhagen early in the morning, as cruises always seem to do. We had breakfast, and were off the boat by about 10am.

We took the metro to the train station, but then found that it was $20 to lock our bags in the lockers there, so we decided to keep them with us. Luckily, there are a lot of major sites in the streets just adjacent to the train station. We walked in a big loop, seeing the main square, the main government building, and the statue of Hans Christian Anderson (my favorite fairytale author!). We stopped at the “Bagery” and bought a sandwhich, some bread, and some pastries – we didn’t know what they were, but they all looked pretty amazing.

We were on the train from about noon until 4pm. The most exciting part of the ride was when our train got on a boat. That’s right. Our train took a ferry to get from Denmark to Germany. The train pulled onto the ferry, everyone got off (leaving their things on the train) and went to the top decks where there were shops and seating areas), and after a 45 minute ride, we headed back to the train and continued our trip.

We needed to change trains in Hamburg, but we had a couple hours, so we left our luggage in lockers and went on a nice little walk. We walked along the water, bought some curry fries and a couple hefeweizens and sat in the sun for a bit.

When we got back about 30 minutes before our train, we were confused that we didn’t see it up on the schedule. When we asked for help, we found out that the train schedule had changed in the three months since we’d purchased our ticket, and we had actually missed it. Luckily, they were able to book us on another train. But now, instead of leavening Hamburg at 6pm and arriving at midnight, we were on a night train that left at 8:30pm and got in at 6am the next morning.

It was a new experience for Jeff, since he has never ridden in a sleeping car on a train. We were hoping we’d a have a romantic car all to ourselves, but unfortunately, all the cars on this train (as far as we could tell), had six beds. It was funny when the older Germany lady got on and told us she ‘lived upstairs.’ No so romantic, but it was kind of fun.

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