Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week Before the Wedding – Wednesday, May 25

On Wednesday morning, my mom did a trial-run of my makeup, to see if I wanted to have her do it, rather than the make-up lady I had at Ivy. Also, our rings arrived on Wednesday! That was very exciting! We tried them on, and then put them safely away, and Jeff investigated ring insurance.

In the mid-morning, Jeff and I went to Mamie and Grandpa Ray’s house to help them package up all of the cookies that they had baked for the table gifts. Emily where there to help too (and had brought Wally, who has started giggling now!), and so was Kiyoko and my Mom.

Katie and Tom arrived in the afternoon. Tom and Jeff washed vases at home while I worked on other odds and ends – like making reserved seats for the ceremony chairs and typing up a seating chart for the ceremony. Later in the evening, Katie and I did a bit of honeymoon-related shopping.

I also put together all of the speeches and photos for the wedding party, so they could be displayed in 8x11 inch frames.

This was also the day we ordered a photo printer and a whole bunch of other things from that we needed for the wedding – two day shipping had them arriving on Friday.

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