Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week Before the Wedding – Monday, May 23

On Monday we did a final proofread of the ceremony program (I sent it to everyone in it for their feedback, which definitely was vital for finding all of the typos – and as far as I’ve heard, we got them all!) We brought the yellow paper and a copy of the ceremony program to Kinkos. The person at Kinkos insisted that it would be easier, and that he could put two pages per sheet of paper and save us printing costs, if we gave him the electronic copy of the ceremony program and let him set it up. I was a bit skeptical, but he was completely right – they did a great job.

While Kinkos was completing that order, Jeff and I bought extra brads to put together the programs and we bought a small hole punch.

We picked up the printed and cut ceremony program pages and brought them home. After just two programs, we broke the hole punch. Jeff went back to Michael’s and learned that the hole punch we had was barely able to go through cardstock, let alone six pages of cardstock. Luckily Jeff thought to go to the ‘Archivers’ scrapbooking store where they had an industrial strength mini-hole punch. It worked perfectly. With help from my mom, we got all of the programs put together that day.

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