Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wedding Weekend - Monday, May 30

The next morning, I was pretty tired, but still had a lot of excited energy, so I didn’t have much trouble waking up at 8am. Jeff and I got ready – our first morning together as a married couple! - and then called Liz, who had slept over in the after-party room. We picked up the rolling garment racks and other random stuff that had been left there and brought them down to breakfast.

Our plan for breakfast was that we were going to be down there and eating al-a-carte, and we figured at least some people would wander down to say goodbye, and some would eat and some might not. But then the restaurant had the buffet set up and it seemed like every single person staying at the hotel came down to join us for breakfast. Even people that didn’t come to the wedding were there. It was so fun! It was really nice to have another chance to say hi and bye to people, and to chat about the wedding a bit.

Pooja came back to Maple Grove with Jeff and me. We met up with Katie and Tom and my parents there. We unpacked all of the wedding stuff from the car and spent the next couple of hours organizing things. Brian and Emily came over with Wally, and Mamie and Grandpa Ray and Kiyoko came over too. We ordered pizza and had a big pizza party (my first since before Christmas!). We brought Pooja back to the airport at about 4:30pm (cutting it a little close for her 5:30pm flight). Then we picked up the wedding cake, which we had forgotten at Hotel Minneapolis, and picked up my iPod, which we had also forgotten, and Dick Whitbeck (from the band) had grabbed.

Then we went home for a night of organzing our things, opening gifts, and going to bed early!

It was really nice to have some time to go through all of the things and feel like stuff at home was all squared away before we left for the honeymoon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your first married day was filled with even more fun! We can't wait to see you guys this summer. = )
