Saturday, June 4, 2011

Honeymoon Day 3 – June 3 – Reykjavik, Iceland and Copenhagen, Denmark

We were up at 6:30am again on our last day in Iceland. This time we got all packed up, and then caught a bus to the Blue Lagoon. This is another ‘must see’ spot in Iceland, according to the guidebooks. And there are buses set up to make it really easy to see it on the way to the airport.

The drive there takes you through mossy lava fields – Jeff thought it looked like we were driving on the moon. Then (after about an hour) you come across more dark lava rocks, and some milky-blue pools. You go into the actual complex, rent a towel and a bathrobe, and then head into the blue lagoon. It’s really, really pretty – the water is light blue, but almost entirely opaque, and its’ surrounded by black lava rocks. The water is naturally heated and really warm and comfortable.

Jeff and I soaked and floated around the pool for about an hour or an hour and a half, and then got back out to head to the airport. Not a bad way to end the trip in Iceland!

We arrived in Denmark at about 6pm local time, but it took until 7pm to get our luggage. We couldn’t find the hotel we’d booked on the map, so we went to ask for help at the info desk. Apparently, the hotel we booked is not technically in Copenhagen, which was a surprise to us. Not sure what went wrong, but our hotel was pre-paid, and the very cheapest hotel in Copenhagen (according to the info desk) was still going to be more than $200, and our hotel was accessible via public transportation (about 50 minutes on the above-ground train, and then a 10 minute walk – though we had no map and no idea which way to walk when we got off the train…) So we decided to go for it – a bit of Denmark adventure. It took us a while to get the train (there were some cancellations and track changes we didn’t understand), but we did eventually make it to the right stop. The stores were all closed (it was about 9:30pm at this point), but there was a family loading into the car, and we asked them for directions, and the guy took out a map and showed us where to go. After that, we had no problems. We checked in, and decided to get some much-needed sleep!

Also, the hotel – Herlov Kro – is actually pretty cute, and now we’ve had a chance to see some of greater Copenhagen!

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