Sunday, May 1, 2011

Guest Blog: Jeff's Bachelor Party: Baltimore

Last weekend I had a bachelor party in Baltimore with my friends from high school.  Tim Oberc (as well as Jen Schleigh, and Mike Ransom, I think) did a super amazing job planning the itinerary.

First, we went shooting at On Target shooting range in Severn, MD.  I'd never shot a gun before, so it was a new experience.  The whole thing is kind of a surreal experience.  It's certainly super safe, as long as I keep the gun pointed down the range.  But I'm kind of absent minded and carry things around with me and leave them (witness numerous cups of tea left in the closet, etc.).  I definitely pointed the (fortunately unloaded) gun at Nick Ganci by accident when I was trying to tell him something.  The other thing that I thought was awesome at the shooting range was targets.  You buy a paper target that you aim for, and they range from targets with points in rings to targets vaguely shaped like people with points in rings to monsters.  I got the banker-zombie target (pictured!), of course.  I actually hit it right in the center of the target in it's chest on my first shot.  Then a bunch of the other shots missed the target altogether.  I'm not a very good shot: I anticipate the recoil and kind of jerk the gun around before it fires...

After that, we went back to Tim's house, where Rachel had set up dinner (BBQ) and ordered pizza for us.  We sat out on their deck and had beers.  Tim and Rachel also got a bottle of Bombay Sapphire for my benefit, so I had some of that as well.

Next, we went to see the Orioles and the Yankees.  It was maybe going to rain a lot of the day, but it totally held off and was a gorgeous night.  The game was not as gorgeous.  We were in our seats maybe 5-10 minutes after the first pitch, but the O's were already down 3 runs.  We ended up losing like 13-3 or so.  But it was still super fun!

Afterwards we wanted to find a bar, and it was time for me to pick one (or at least have some input).  Those of you who know me know that deciding is definitely not my strong suit.  When I thought about what I wanted in a bar, what I really wanted was somewhere that we could keep enjoying the outdoors.  We thought about places to go, but it turned out that Tim and Rachel's roof was really the best option all around, so we headed back there.  We did stop at Idle Hour for a quick drink on the way.

Altogether it was a really really great night.  Thanks so much to everyone for coming and thanks to Tim again for planning.  I think Tim's not generally a big planner/organizer either, but he did a really great job!


  1. How was your first experience in a shooting range? Did you get butterflies in your stomach when you tried to cock the gun and felt the jerk its recoil? Other than that, it looks like you had a fun laid-back day with your buds! And it's fitting to keep the momentum going until the day of your marriage. Congrats!

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