Monday, April 25, 2011

Passover in New York

After visiting Minnesota, Jeff and I flew straight to New York City (on at 6am flight with a connection - yuck). We met up with Jeff's parents, grandparents, and brother for lunch.

From there, Jeff and I rented a zip car and drove out to his Aunt and Uncle's house - this is the first year we've done that, instead of taking the train. It was definitely a much nicer way to get out there, and nice to have our own car. By the time we got there, though, I was exhausted, so I took a nap for the first couple hours we were there.

I woke up in time to help a bit with the prep and then enjoy the dinner. We went through the packet that Jeff's uncle put together with all of the passover songs and readings. Sarah, Jeff's cousin, couldn't make it this year, but she video-conferenced in, which was pretty cute!

After dinner, Jeff and I gave Jeff's dad's cousin, Fred, a ride home (he lives on the upper east side). It was the first chance we've had to really chat with him, so that was really nice. From there, Jeff and I returned the zipcar and headed to the bus stop to take the 1:15am bus back to DC. We got in at about 6am, which was a bit rough, but then we slept til noon, which helped. :)

1 comment:

    Except for that scary picture of Poppy...
    Thanks, Mariel!
