Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ceremony Music Plan

The other major wedding item Jeff and I have made some progress on is getting the ceremony music at least somewhat planned out, and then contacting some friends and family to actually perform. It's possible to hire musicians for the ceremony, but Jeff and I thought it'd be really special to have friends and family playing and singing the music. That way it's not just the song that's special, but also the people who are involved, who you know really care about you, and are really excited with you. A few of our friends were worried that they aren't professionals, and while we don't want them to feel uncomfortable performing, we couldn't care less that they're not professional performers - we want them to be involved because of who they are, not just because of their talent level (though despite their modesty, I can assure you that the people we've asked to be involved are all really musically talented.)

One thing I realized in the process of asking people to be involved in the musical program for the ceremony, that Jeff and I don't know that much technical information about music. (For example, did you know that an electric piano is really different than a keyboard?) We don't have a good idea of how you decide which instruments can play which songs, or how to make the right arrangements or any of that. So we put the group of people in touch with each other, and I'm hoping that they can figure out what actually makes sense.

Here's the starting information we gave them:

Music in the Ceremony
Prelude, Processional, Bridal Processional (Musical Pieces TBD) - We were thinking Dan would play this music on the electric piano.

*For the hymns and songs, we were thinking Annette, Paul, and/or Emily could sing, and Emily or Dan could play electric piano, Drew could play electric guitar, or Dave could play the trumpet
Hymn (Option 1): Come and Find the Quiet Center

Hymn (Option 2): Let There Be Love

Song 1: Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof
*We could do a slightly faster version of this one if you think that would be better

Song 2 (Option 1): If I Should Fall Behind by Bruce Springsteen
*We'd probably take out a verse so it's not quite so long.

Song 2 (Option 2): Make You Feel My Love
*We'd leave out the verse about 'I know you haven't made your mind up yet...' so it'd be a little shorter than this.

Song 3: Somewhere Over the Rainbow/ It's a Wonderful World (IK version)

Recessional: Good Day, Sunshine (Beatles) - Instrumental - We were thinking Dan could play the electric piano and Dave could play the trumpet, and maybe Drew on electric guitar - whatever works :)

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