Monday, February 14, 2011

Freiburg, Germany

I arrived in Strasbourg on Saturday, as planned, and Christoph picked me up. We went back to his house and I met his fiancĂ©, Karen. Karen and Christoph cooked lunch – pasta with spinach and salmon – and we chatted. The weather is nice here at the moment, so we were able to have dinner outside.

In the evening, Christoph had some work to do, so Karen and I went into town and had some tea and shopped a bit.

Back at Christoph’s, the three of us chatted for a bit longer as Karen put the finishing touches on her Black Forest Cake (made from scratch!), and then they headed out to meet friends, and I decided to try to sleep and get on a normal schedule!

On Sunday, I woke up around 9:30am (actually, I first woke up at 5am, but managed to eventually get back to sleep). I got ready, and then I had an awesome German breakfast that Karen and Christoph put together. There was bread and cheese and meat, and weisswurst with spicy mustart – so good!

We went to church at 11:30am – Christoph and Karen go to an English-speaking Anglican church in Freiburg, which was nice since I could understand everything.

After church we went for a late lunch at the home of one of Christoph’s professors. He and his wife were a really nice couple, and they’re visiting DC in June, so I gave them some ideas of places to visit and restaurants to try.

It was starting to get dark by the time we left, so we came back to their place and just had a relaxing evening – catching up on email and all of that.

Monday was my last day in Freiburg. We had another awesome German breakfast of fresh bread with cheese and other toppings.

Karen has been wanting to take engagement photos for the past few months, but they haven’t had time, or had access to a nice camera, or had someone there to take them. Since I was there with my DSLR (and love taking photos), and the weather was great, we decided to take a walk through the park and do a little photoshoot. We actually ended up taking almost 400 pictures – I guess Karen won’t have to worry about finding pictures for their website now! 

I think the pictures actually turned out really great – we found some really cool spots just in the park by their house – I love the ones in front of the graffiti wall especially.

In the afternoon Karen drove me out into the Black Forest to Titisee, which is a big lake up in the mountains. It was a really pretty drive, and a really cute area when we got there. Apparently it’s the area where lots of Germans go on vacation.

After that I got on the train and made my way to Strasbourg!

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