Monday, January 10, 2011

Yelp’s Most Wanted Party

Since I write a lot of reviews on Yelp, I got invited to Yelp Elite, and now I get invited to Yelp parties around the city. Last week there was a "Yelp's Most Wanted Party." I brought Jeff with me, and we met up with Stephanie and Turner there. The event was at the Museum of Crime and Punishment (which explains the name of the party). It was a pretty good museum - lots of exhibits about famous criminals throughout time. Jeff and I spent the most time in the gangster section, because we waited in a long line there. But there was more modern info too, on hackers and electronic crimes, for example.

There were lots of good food and drinks. We had a bowl of Indian food from Merci - it's like the Indian Chipotle - you choose rice or naan, choose a meat, choose a type of sauce, and some additional veggies. It was really good! We also had some lasagna and a meatball from Carmine's - also very good!

We also got our picture taken at a picture booth set up by Onomonomedia (cool name, huh?). Fun stuff!

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