Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wedding Ceremony - Initial Thoughts

Since we have an officiant to start planning a ceremony with, Jeff and I finally took some time to write out some of our ideas about the wedding ceremony. We don't have any specifics yet, but here are some of the things we were thinking:

My family is Catholic (as am I), and that Jeff's family is Christian (on his mom's side) and Jewish (on his dad's side), though Jeff's immediate family celebrates holidays for both, he didn't attend any religious services while growing up. In our wedding, we're hoping to have a Christian ceremony, but one that is welcoming and inclusive for his Jewish relatives. We were thinking that it would be nice to incorporate some cultural Jewish traditions, such as the breaking of the glass, or perhaps have one of Jeff's relatives do a reading or song from the Jewish faith.

Jeff and I both have some musically-inclined friends and family, so it would be nice to incorporate music into the ceremony. In general, we're just hoping to have the ceremony be something that represents us well and allows us to reflect a bit and really experience the meaning and importance of the event.

That's about how far we've gotten so far - I'm sure we'll have lots more specifics to think through soon!

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