Thursday, January 6, 2011

Walter Charles John!

My first nephew, Walter Charles John, was born on January 2, 2011 at around 11:00pm, at 8 lbs. 2 oz.
My parents, Jeff, and I all went to the hospital after he was born, so I got to hold him just an hour or so after he was born. It was crazy to think that only about 24 hours earlier, we'd all had our game night, and Emily had been pointing to her tummy telling us that the baby was kicking!

We didn't stay too long the first night, just dropped off some baby gifts, took turns holding the baby, and talked to Brian and Emily for a bit. But then we went back to visit him the next day (My dad was working with kids after school, so this time it was just my mom, Jeff, and me). Jeff and I had a cake-tasting (which Emily was originally planning to come to), but since she couldn't make it, we brought her cake. We held the baby again - so little!

Jeff and I actually got to see the baby one more time before we flew back to DC (and it was really lucky we got to see him at all - he wasn't due to arrive until January 13th!). Brian and Emily had just brought Walter back home. We got to see him in his little car seat and hold him at his house - so adorable!

I'm definitely excited for our next trip to Minnesota so that we can see little Walter again. My grandparents, who live in Texas, have skyped with Walter, which is pretty cute.

It's so exciting to have the first baby in the family - it definitely changes things - it's the start of a new generation, so my brother, sister, and I are no longer "the kids." From now on, at every trip home, at every family holiday, there is the baby! And as time goes on, kids just start doing more things and having their own lives. So exciting!

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