Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Brunch with Tara and Becca

Dr. Demento 20th Anniversary Collection: The Greatest Novelty Records Of All TimeWhen I was in Middle School, two of my best friends were Tara and Becca. The three of us had been taking advanced math classes together since about fourth grade (even though we went to different elementary schools, we had a morning program together that the school district put together). I remember working on lots of school projects with Becca - making videos about imaginary inventions and building balsa wood bridges. And Tara and I used to hang out constantly - I think I practically lived at her house for a couple years. We were both huge Star Trek fans, and SciFi fans in general. We listened to all the crazy songs on the Doctor Demento CD (and memorized them). We tried to convince our friends to perform the Star Trekin' song in the Middle School talent show, which (thankfully) they adamantly refused to do.

Now Becca lives outside the DC area (she hates the city, so doesn't come in often, and since I don't have a car, we don't see each other much), and Tara lives in Jersey City (right outside NYC). Tara was in DC for the weekend, so we all met up for brunch.

We went to Eli's Kosher Deli, which seemed like it could be a cute restaurant, and had a really nice, bright window seat (though it got really cold by the end of brunch). Unfortunately, the food was not great - the home fries were bland, as was the "West Coast Omelet." And maybe it's my fault for ordering Huevos Rancheros in a Jewish deli, but I was pretty disappointed when I got a place with two fried eggs sandwhich-ing a piece of American cheese, with a side of guacamole and sour creme and three folded up tortillas. Not so good.

Luckily, the conversation was better than the food. It was really fun to catch up with Tara and Becca, and learn what they're up to these days. 

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