Friday, December 3, 2010

Wedding Magazines... from 1979!

While I was home, my mom pulled out some wedding magazines that she had saved from when she was planning her wedding - in 1979! The magazines were really fun to flip through - to see the styles, read the advice, and laugh at the ads for "low tar" cigarettes.


  1. The second Brides magazine cover was my wedding dress. It was great to see it on your site and I have that magazine. I bought my dress in Pgh.Pa and when I came back to Erie Pa I discovered that the magazine I had in my apartment was the dress I fell in loved with. My husband and I will be together 36 years this Oct 20th!!

  2. Hi Meriel, you made my day. You have put a nice content here. Wedding or marriage is the most aspired and memorable event for anybody's life. The images on the magazines look so lovely and shiny. Thanks for the great stuff. 결혼정보업체

  3. The first picture with the
    Kate Jackson article, can you tell me who designed that dress and what it cost back then?

  4. The cover of the July Modern Bride is my dress.

  5. Would you be interested in selling those three magazines? I collect and scan bridal magazines from 1970 to 2000 and share the scans with other fans of bridal fashions.
    If interested you can contact me at,
    Thanks a bunch!

  6. Hi there. I can't seem to get this to populate with the info and pictures. I really wanted to see these because I was married in 1979 and my wedding dress was in one of the bridal magazines! Help if you can. Robin

  7. You are doing great. Your blogs are really amazing it helps me to get ideas and all-time inspire me to get ready. The design and wedding pictures are really attractive and stylish.
