Monday, December 20, 2010

Space Christmas: Arianespace

The last space Christmas party that Jeff and I went to this year was the Arianespace party. It was in the lobby of their building, which was all spruced up for the occasion. The Arianespace party is unique because it is a family event, so lots of people bring their kids. There was a Santa and a snow queen walking around, which was cute.

I actually talked to Brendan's kids for a bit - I always hear so many stories about them from Brendan, it was really fun to meet them in person. Their names are Elsa and Phaedra, and they're both adorable. Elsa really likes Star Wars, so we talked about that a lot - and she invited me over to play light sabers. :) Pretty cute.

The food is another highlight of the Arianespace party - there is a wide variety of good food - chicken, salmon, mushroom risotto, and lots of fancy cheeses. They also had a really cute champagne cocktail (I think it was champagne, white cranberry juice, and triple sec) with pink rock candy sugar along the rim.

Lots of our space friends were there, and it was really fun to see everyone before heading off for the holidays!

Oh, and the parting gift was a robot pencil sharpener that walks when you sharpen a pencil (or use a plastic key that it came with). I think this video is stuck sideways, but you get the idea.

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