Friday, December 31, 2010

Hanging out with Annette

Yesterday we finally got a chance to get together with Annette. She came over to my parent's house in Maple Grove (making her the second friend to see my parent's new house). We exchanged Christmas gifts, as we have every year since sixth grade.

Dr. Horriblr Evil League of Evil Official T-Shirt (Medium)Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sunnydale High School Juniors' T-shirt (X-Large)Jeff and I got her a couple of T-Shirts from Thinkgeek. One is for the Evil League of Evil (from Dr. Horrible) and the other was a Sunnydale High School T-Shirt (a Buffy reference). I introduced Annette to Dr. Horrible earlier this year, and we both love it, and she convinced me to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer (every episode, from the beginning), and I've been making my way through it (halfway through season six now!).

Mr. Bean - The Whole Bean (Complete Set)Annette bought me the complete collection of Mr. Bean episodes. We both used to really love that show, and actually one Christmas, we both gave each other Mr. Bean's Christmas Special for Christmas - which we completely didn't realize until we opened our gifts that year. Great minds...

Community: The Complete First SeasonAnnette got Jeff the first season on Community, which is a show that Annette really likes and that we've been meaning to watch.

The three of us went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, because Annette had never been there - the thai pizza there is great!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1After a quick dinner, we went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, because Annette had just finished the book. Jeff hadn't seen it yet, and I had, but I was happy to see it again.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Sixth Season (Slim Set)Then we headed back to my house and watched a few episodes of Buffy (that much closer to completing the full series...) and joking about which characters we like and dislike. We both like Anya a lot, and Spike. I can't stand Dawn (so whiny!) and Tara gets on my nerves sometimes, too. Jeff (who was reading a book while watching...) says that he likes "Lily" - the character is actually named "Willow," but the actress plays Lily in "How I Met Your Mother," which I guess Jeff likes more than Buffy.

After a couple episodes, we started watching Community from the beginning. I've actually seen the first few episodes of Community before, but it was a lot funnier than I remembered! I'm excited to watch the rest of it.

Basically, we stayed up late watching lots of TV - classic Mariel and Annette. :)

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