Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Goodbye, MJ Cafe!

Today Jeff and I moved out of our temporary corporate apartment (which we nicknamed the MJ Cafe, because of the plush seating in the bay window).

We packed all of our stuff into these suitcases, and headed out!

Originally, we were going to move into a new unit in our old building, but we don't have access to our belongings yet, so we have no bed, no seating, no lights, no dishes, no silverware, and we wouldn't be able to get internet set up for at least a few days. Not good.

Since we're leaving for Minnesota in only nine days (on Dec. 16th), we thought it might be better to just stay with friends and family for these few days and then move into our apartment in January when we get back from Minnesota. So... we're staying at Stephanie's house tonight and tomorrow night, then spending a night at Jaisha's, then we're off to Jeff's parent's house for the weekend, and then we'll stay at Kris and Emma's for a few days while they're out of town. So, a big, big thanks to Stephanie, Jaisha, Kris, and Emma, who are saving us from a completely unfurnished, internet free apartment and/or homelessness!

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