Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dinner with Grandparents

After picking out the perfect wedding dress, Jeff and I went straight to dinner with his grandparents. We went to their condo first, and they had prepared a whole collection of hors d'oeuvres. I told them the whole story about choosing and buying the dress - our adventure of the day. We also chatted about school and everything else going on these days.

For dinner, we headed across the street to Spice. Jeff's grandparents are both 92 years old, so they don't really go long distances, but luckily, there are a number of good restaurant options within about half a block. This time we went to Spice, which is a Thai restaurant. They live in a pretty trendy area of New York, and it was a Saturday night, so the restaurant was dimly lit and playing music. Jeff's grandparents asked the servers why it was so dark, and if they had more lights, and if they had a flashlight, and the server actually turned up the house lights a little bit, which was really nice (and really did make the menus much easier to read). Jeff's grandpa ordered warm sake, which Jeff's grandma said he was too old for, but he seemed to like it. Jeff and his grandma had beer. We had a really nice dinner - the food was really great. I had teriyaki salmon with broccoli, green beans, and mushrooms. Yum.

It's really nice that we get to see Jeff's grandparents when we come up to New York!

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