Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rally to Restore Sanity

My sister and her boyfriend came down from New York City, along with many other people traveling into DC, and we headed down to the National Mall on Saturday for the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.

It was really crowded down on the mall - I've seen estimates that there were about 215,000 people were there. The show was pretty good, though it was long, and a bit hard to see and hear. One of the funniest parts of the whole event was just watching all the different signs!

After the rally was over, we went to our friend Al's for a bit, and watched the traffic jam from his roof deck. Then we headed to Cafe Atlantico for dinner with Jeff's dad and some family friends. The food was great - I especially loved the ceviche. And the warm chocolate cake was one of the best desserts I've had in a long time!

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