Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Prague – Day 7- Tuesday, September 28

The main event of the conference this day for me was my first presentation – I was the last to present in the one of the last sessions, but it seemed to go smoothly. The paper was on Space Applications for International Development.

After the sessions were over, I headed to the young professional reception for some snacks and drinks. Then I went out with Steve, Stephanie, Julia, Lewis, and Ashley. We went to Wenceles Square, and then just wandered down the street until we saw a Czech restaurant that looked good and had space for us. Jeff and I shared Goulash. I also tried a mixed drink that Lewis suggested (he had studied aboard in Prague), it was some kind of cinnamon-like liqueor mixed with tonic. It tasted very Christmas-y.

After dinner, we headed back to the model train bar that Jeff and I had gone to before. This time we were able to get pictures. The first round made it to our table with no problem, but the second round we added had trouble with one of the corners, and our train overturned, dumping all of our beers. Sad, though I have to say it was pretty exciting.

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