Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Prague – Day 5 – Sunday, September 26

Sunday was my day off between conferences. Originally, Jeff and I had planned to rent a car and go on a driving tour around the countryside near Prague. But, it was pretty cold and rainy out, so it didn’t seem very appealing. Also, due to a combination of lack of sleep and delayed jet lag, I slept until 2pm. So, we decided that we’d just spend the day relaxing, lounging around, and getting our things organized before starting a new week of conferences. We had a great pizza lunch (from Einstein pizza), and enjoyed finally going through my email. We walked by the tower near Andy's house - some very interesting art...

In the evening, we went over to the Corinthia Towers – the hotel next to the Congress Center where we’d be staying during the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). We stopped by the young professionals welcome reception, but other than that, decided to have an early night.

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