Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Prague – Day 2 – Thursday, September 23

The second day in Prague was the first day of the Space Generation Congress, a conference that I was attending. The SGC is a conference and workshop particularly for young professionals and students, and has attendees from all over the world.

The Congress was held at the Charles University near the Prague Castle, which was close enough to our residence to walk. I took a really nice path through the Old Town Square and across the Charles Bridge to get to the Charles University. It was still misty in the morning, so the views were really cool.

After the SGC activities were over for the day, I met up with Jeff, and we walked up lots and lots of squares to the castle. We enjoyed the views of Prague and walked around the grounds of the castle.

In the evening, I met back up with the SGC group for the opening night dinner. We went to a restaurant in the old town area called Kolkovna. We had goose, red cabbage, and dumplings, which is very typical Czech food. Everything was very good. After dinner we headed out to a bar/club called La Mafia, which was also a pretty fun place.

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