Sunday, October 24, 2010

Night Out

The week before last was really busy - it seemed like there was something going on every evening.

Monday started out well - I have class until pretty late, so I usually get home until about 8pm, and I went out to the gym after that.

Tuesday, Jeff picked me up right after class in College Park, and we met up with his parents for dinner. We went to a place called Langerman's in Baltimore. It's relatively new. The food was really good - Jeff and I shared shrimp and grits, which was great. We also had butternut squash ravioli, but it had red sauce on it - it was good, but I think the red sauce made it hard to be able to taste the butternut squash.

Wednesday, we had the kickoff for The Space Report, which is the major annual product that we produce at work every year. After the kickoff we went out for a happy hour with the team.

Thursday, I went out to dinner with Stephanie, Emma, Beth, and John Logsdon. We tried a place called Galileo III, which is supposed to have great Italian food. We had the five-course pre-fixe meal. The food was pretty good, though some things were better than others. The butter and sage ravioli was the best dish I had.

Friday, we had SciFi Friday at work. Once a month we watch a scifi movie as a group, chosen by a different department. This week was "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi." I hosted at my apartment. It's been a while since I've watched it, so it was fun to see. After everybody left, Jeff and I kept the scifi movie theme going - we watched 12 Monkeys, which is one of my favorites. And then, for reasons that escape me, I agreed to go see "The Room" (again!) with a group of friends. We went to Rocket Bar first, and then headed across to the theater. This is the third time I've seen it, and it's still one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

Saturday, there was "Space Oktoberfest," which is an Oktoberfest party put on by Arianespace (a European launcher) and DLR (the German Space Agency). It was really cool - they had pretzels, and bratwurst that they flew in from Wisconsin, and had a big heated tent set up in the back yard. After Space Oktoberfest, Jeff and I went with Stephanie and Beth over to Emma and Kris' house. Emma and Kris just moved into a new apartment a few blocks away from Jeff and me - they were having a combined housewarming and birthday party for Kris. We hung out at their place and then tried a new club called Josephine. It was a great time!

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