Friday, September 3, 2010

Since we've been back...

It's been pretty busy since Jeff and I got back from our cruise. The day after we got back I decided to join a gym - Vida Fitness. It's only about two blocks from our house, and is really nice. I had my first personal training session, which is complimentary when you join. I actually really enjoyed it - learned some new exercises and got a great workout. The first week I went to the gym pretty much every day.

It was also the week before school started, so I had a couple of 'welcome the new PhD students' events. On Wednesday, I went to the official orientation dinner for the Policy School, and on Friday I organized an informal happy hour for PhD students. There was a pretty good turn out on Friday, and it was really nice to see people - both the new students, and friends I hadn't seen since the spring.

Also during this week, Pol's girlfriend, Carmen, came to our house and stayed with us. She had classes during the day, and usually went out with friends at night, so she wasn't around all of the time. It was her last few days in DC, so she often came home really late - like 6am late. Makes me tired thinking about it. ;)

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