Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Microeconomics and Quantitative Comprehensive Exams

I've been really busy the last few weeks doing the last bit of studying for my Microeconomics and Quantitative Comprehensive Exams.

The Microeconomic Comp was on Friday, Sept. 10th. For the exam, I essentially read a Micro book cover to cover, and also read a bunch of articles. I'll post the notes from the book here - it's like a mini-Microeconomics course. The questions on the exam are pretty vague - you have to analyze it to explain what the microeconomic issue is. I'll post a copy of the exam and my answer, too.

The Quantitative Comp is actually based on an econometrics paper that you write in advance. On the exam day, you have 20 minutes to present the paper and then 20 minutes of answering questions. The exam was on Monday, Sept. 13th.

I think both exams seemed to go well, and I'm definitely very happy to not be constantly feeling like I should be studying!

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