Monday, August 23, 2010

Wedding Magazines

When Jeff and I got to the airport in Fort Lauderdale, one of the first things I did was buy a copy of all of the wedding magazines at the airport book store (at least that was my plan - it turned out they only had one wedding magazine - Brides - so I just bought that one.)

I'm really excited for wedding planning - I loved planning and organizing things in general, and this is a big, exciting, important thing, and I think it (both the planning and the wedding) will be really fun.

However, I'm incredibly sappy. I always cry at other people's weddings. I cried when Jeff proposed. And I've already warned Jeff and others that they should prepare for a flood of tears during my own wedding. And it seems that wedding planning is going to be no different. While reading the magazine, I got choked up and teared up probably at least five times. (I only actually cried once.) I couldn't even get through the whole article listing song suggestions for the processional, recessional, and first dance - I had to turn the page and go back and read it later.

I'm planning to continue to post about my wedding-planning musings as we go along. I feel like I don't know the first thing about planning a wedding, so it should be an adventure learning about it...

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